When the introduction of hand sanitiser became available to the world; it was said it would solve all our unseen germ problems and the world would definitely be a safer place. Over the years, the selection of products have grown, each purporting the ability to knock those little nasties on the head, and then the family could sleep easier. But gradually over time, we have come to know they are not all they were cracked up to be - some with nothing more than water and no alcohol content what-so-ever. And no, they can’t resolve all our problems. Now with the new CoVID19 lurking around every corner, good old soap and water appears to be winning hands down (excuse the pun)on this war against this lecherous virus, or at least preventing it from staying around too long. Although this might be the case, it is our duty to make sure we are on the right track in selecting the right cleaning products and hand sanitisers. Keeping the home and family safe has never been more important and the practise of thorough hygiene, imperative. So, how does one get rid of buggy blighters and how can you be sure they work? For me, I have a few favourites that have stood the test of time. They suit my needs and so far so good. All are well known reliable brands, have all the stated ingredients to stop bugs in their tracks and at the end of the day, will be there when you need them most. I don’t get sponsored by any of these companies, but I am cool with sharing what works for me. Dettol is a biggie for me. It has been around forever and has kept its bargain producing top of the range medical products and hand sanitisers for global use. I use it as a pocket/handbag go to after all sensitive interactions, if I can’t wash my hands. I have used it for years, while in Korea during other similar epidemics and I hope it keeps me equally as safe. Palmolive has moved from bar soap to liquid over the years, but the product and its effectiveness is much the same – great! I also pick up glycerine soap from the Body Shop – one’s face can be particularly delicate.
When it comes to bathrooms, toilets, floors etc, I have two. Glen 20 and one I always come back to and that is good, old-fashioned bleach – in hospital grade strength. For the latter, it doesn’t matter what label, just so long as it is bleach. Well, they’re some of my tricks of the trade for home and family maintenance. What about you guys – do you have any favourites that work wonders for you? Stay safe and keep smiling! :) |