How many of you have truly thought about our oceans; about how they contribute to everything we do; how they affect each and every one of us, on the planet. Although - June 7th was UNESCO World Ocean Day, did you even know? And now you are reading this article, are you curious as to why we need to celebrate, make known and consider our oceans far more than we do? Polluted waterways, melting polar icecaps, oil spills, ever-increasing global temperatures, exploding nuclear power plants, warring nations, over-fishing, species extinction, illegal farming, excessive tourism, destruction of habitats, dying coral reefs, drilling and noise pollution and yes, fireworks. The list goes on – and yet, few will make an effort to contribute or change one’s habits - in the most minute way, for the betterment of our oceans, and ultimately - our planet. Citizens of every country say, “but it’s got nothing to do with me… How can I do anything? Someone else will fix it – I don’t need to worry. What can I do? I’m only one person – are you kidding me? Who needs to think about that?” The fact of the matter is – we all need to think, act and make a difference as to how we treat the earth in general, for eventually everything ends up – either in, on or affecting our oceans, which in turn affects our food source; the health, maintenance and continuance of all species - in our oceans and on land. Everything is linked and the sustenance of all species is at risk. We are at risk, not just the animal kingdom. The cycle of life and death affects everything and everyone – we are inextricably linked, far more than most of the human race realises. It is so easy to throw down rubbish at one’s feet, so easy to say – “the cleaner will pick it up, it doesn’t belong to me. I didn’t do it – why should I pick it up?” Why? Because like any problem, ‘what you walk past – you accept.’ What about - assault and battery, rape and sexual misdemeanors of children, women, men; war crimes against humanity, inequality, racism, gender crimes… Do you walk past these? Do you look away – pretend you can’t see or hear the screams of pain – the agony of brutality – the viciousness of repugnant, vindictive, human behaviours upon others? Do you say stop? Do you make any effort to prevent it? Do you watch it on TV, socials or make fun of everything your eyes are glued to? Do you re-post this appalling behaviour and add to the continuance of its prevalence on our planet? “What you walk past – you accept” – as ‘the norm’. Because you make it ‘the norm’, by turning away from the problem. Our oceans need and deserve our attention – not because we make ourselves out to be more superior, more important or feel we are more relevant in the grand scheme of things, but because everything matters – we all matter – you matter to someone, somewhere on the planet. And… on your deathbed, you are going to ask, “Did I matter?” “Did I do everything I could have, to be a good person? Was I loved, will I be missed or remembered when I am gone? Have I said everything I wanted to say – have I appreciated everyone while I was here?” And you will say, “I don’t want to leave.” There is not one species on this planet that does not deserve our care and attention. We are all gifted the breath of life and the finality of death – we all bleed - equally. World Ocean Day is not just about the cheers, the drinks and the parties to pat oneself on the back. It is about looking around us – seeing how we live and recognizing that what we do every day - affects someone else, some other species, someone else’s habitat – home or environment. We can choose to selfishly ignore – destroying everything good in the world, or we can choose not to turn a blind eye - pretending problems do not exist. We can choose not to walk past any of it - anymore. We can choose to stand up for all life forms; we can choose to say “enough!” and not wait, for the person next to us - to do something. We can take responsibility and do our part – each and every one of us. We all went to school – either in an institution or by some family home education – we all tell our kids to do the right thing – stand up for one another, to not harm or destroy. Why? Because deep down we all know what is morally ‘right’. It is in our blood – imprinted in our DNA – this is who we are. But, we just follow the pack – because no one likes to not be part of the majority, because that means the majority can pick on us. So, like sheep, people follow ‘the norm’ – making ‘the norm’ - more ‘the norm’ Let’s change ‘the norm’. Bite the bullet. Stand up for what’s right – be that on World Ocean Day or on some other level, where we see injustice happening every day, every hour, every minute and second around the world. Start by picking up after yourself – help each other – our kids, family, our next-door neighbours, people we walk past in the street - to understand that it is not right to expect the world to be just given to them; you have to earn the right to be here. That means standing up for every, living being on this planet – whether they can speak for themselves or not…Yeah, it’s hard. Yeah, you will get resistance. Yeah, you will get, “but why?”
Because every living thing, matters on our planet – they are family. And just because an entity does not speak our language, does not mean they do not speak at all, or feel, or wish for things to be different. We just have not learned their language and vice versa. Let’s change ‘the norm’. In a year now past - of troubles and turmoil, so many loved ones across the globe have sacrificed their lives for the freedom and safety of others. It is time for the world to shed hatred, deceit, pain and suffering on others. Consideration of cultural values, ethics and moral rights need to be understood. Invasion of lands, personal space and the feelings of others are not to be trodden on - for the sake of greed and personal gain.
We are not living in the dark ages; we are a modern and evolving race who fully understand the consequences of overpowering and manipulating others - societal habits, businesses and countries who are set on sucking our planet dry for their own benefit, obliterating other species and all that is good in the world. Now is the time to think - how does your presence in another’s life, affect them? How can I pick up the broken pieces of this world and make it better? We maybe one small snail existing among the great and powerful, but a band of caring snails can restore our garden of Eden. Make this the first day for change! #sketa #justice #unicef #unitedstates #familyfirst #friendsforever #school #library #mankind #footprint #you #your #responsibility #makeachange @sketaozgroup @selinakucks Music - creative commons - Nathan Angelo•Spread a Little Happiness Thank you, Nathan! (Nathan Angelo)
So, what on earth is the Art Cart?
Well, given I was forever thinking, 'how am I going to get my work out and about in this region of the countryside, on a regular basis, without incurring a stack of funds for a shop window?' I thought the best solution for this, was to create an Art Cart that I could use to showcase my upcoming works, as my product gets renewed. It could travel to where-ever, given the weather is fine and be pulled along by my bicycle. I needed an avenue that could mutate, as my work evolves and as my product-line becomes more diverse. I did not want to be restricted by unaffordable, expensive shop rent. I needed something that would become familiar to one and all. So the Art Cart was the perfect solution to my needs. Should I rent or purchase such a cart, it would cost me in the vicinity of $4000~5000 dollars and I just did not want to go down that expensive road - I just didn't have the funds. So, given I am pretty creative and handy with tools, I thought I would design and whip up my own cart - from start to finish - well almost finished. It is still missing a canopy, but that's not far away. My plan was not to release some major know-how on the construction of such creations, but to show you that if you are desperate and have no other avenues at your disposal, you can come up with all sorts of wonderful solutions to resolve a problem. No, it is not perfect, but I learnt alot; hit my finger a few times; miscalculated a bit - but none-the-less resolved my initial problem.
From a simple idea, a drawing, a few bits and pieces, and a lot of grunt - reality became a real work of art! The video is a collation of photos that I kept for my own records, as much as for your enjoyment!
LILIWIOFE is not a story, a tale or a novel. It is a diary. Some of you will ask, "but why a diary? What possible use could a diary have in anyone's life?" This diary is far more than just a method for attacking one's goals head on and recording the tasks one needs to do, in order to achieve them. It represents the act of taking action, in a physical sense. When an individual writes something down by hand, there is a commitment to oneself and the likelihood of following through with a dream, to make it reality, is far more likely. The brain switches on because the senses have been initiated. However, for me this diary represents time - something we all have, but in limited supply. It is a full year, that we can choose to engage with our dreams or flitter them away on something less meaningful. And sometimes, it is not just a year. It could be as much as six years, just gone in an instant and you don't know where those hours, days, minutes have flown. Time has a funny way of healing one's heart. You don't plan to lose time or put your life on hold - it just sort of happens without you realising it and before you know it, you have not moved in the direction you set out to or something else has taken its place. Since my father's passing, six years ago - life has just up and flown away and with it a great deal of my confidence. He was the person to whom I discussed my ideas, my plans and creations. We were very similar, in many ways. This diary represents a promise - not to waste a minute, an hour or a breath. It is a commitment that I can physically see on my shelf, see what I have achieved and how long it has taken me to create those dreams I had planned, prior to him being consumed by cancer. Dad was a man who was energetic, creative, passionate and had dreams like the rest of us. We don't know what Mother Nature has in store for us, where we will be, who it will affect, how we will react or how we will claw our way back when the dust settles. All I can tell you, is that we should not let 'time' steal our plans for achievement, joy, love or life. So many times we hear, "oh I'm just killing time; I don't have the time; I lost time; I can't give you my time." The list goes on. I'm sure, you could think of your own phrases that you use on a daily basis, as to why 'time' is stealing what you set out to do. Yet, my point is simple - we don't have time. It is gone as quickly as you can say the word, 'time'. It doesn't matter if some of you don't get what I am saying - that's okay. In 'time', the penny will eventually drop. But for me, I am on a quest to do as I say and complete what I started six years ago...and on my way, I hope to help a million others to leave their comfort zone, before 'time' up and flies away. Living a life without fear and taking a chance on getting it right, takes a lot of guts. You have to shelve the voice inside your head that says, 'what if it doesn't work out; what will they say if I fail...' There are so many what if's. But what if, you get it right? What an honour that would be to yourself? What an achievement it would be to be proud of your growth and the person you have become. What an honour it would be to share those milestones, with others who have struggled similarly and overcome the hurdles.
This is my plan. You are my witness - help keep me accountable - failure is not an option. Grab a diary - and join me on Instagram at #liliwiofe Read more on working your brain...
Given that it is Easter and I am confined to barracks - I spent yesterday afternoon, doing up some very yummy sesame seed snaps. It is a different option for Easter or for that matter, just having fun in the kitchen with the children.
Happy Easter! When the introduction of hand sanitiser became available to the world; it was said it would solve all our unseen germ problems and the world would definitely be a safer place. Over the years, the selection of products have grown, each purporting the ability to knock those little nasties on the head, and then the family could sleep easier. But gradually over time, we have come to know they are not all they were cracked up to be - some with nothing more than water and no alcohol content what-so-ever. And no, they can’t resolve all our problems. Now with the new CoVID19 lurking around every corner, good old soap and water appears to be winning hands down (excuse the pun)on this war against this lecherous virus, or at least preventing it from staying around too long. Although this might be the case, it is our duty to make sure we are on the right track in selecting the right cleaning products and hand sanitisers. Keeping the home and family safe has never been more important and the practise of thorough hygiene, imperative. So, how does one get rid of buggy blighters and how can you be sure they work? For me, I have a few favourites that have stood the test of time. They suit my needs and so far so good. All are well known reliable brands, have all the stated ingredients to stop bugs in their tracks and at the end of the day, will be there when you need them most. I don’t get sponsored by any of these companies, but I am cool with sharing what works for me. Dettol is a biggie for me. It has been around forever and has kept its bargain producing top of the range medical products and hand sanitisers for global use. I use it as a pocket/handbag go to after all sensitive interactions, if I can’t wash my hands. I have used it for years, while in Korea during other similar epidemics and I hope it keeps me equally as safe. Palmolive has moved from bar soap to liquid over the years, but the product and its effectiveness is much the same – great! I also pick up glycerine soap from the Body Shop – one’s face can be particularly delicate.
When it comes to bathrooms, toilets, floors etc, I have two. Glen 20 and one I always come back to and that is good, old-fashioned bleach – in hospital grade strength. For the latter, it doesn’t matter what label, just so long as it is bleach. Well, they’re some of my tricks of the trade for home and family maintenance. What about you guys – do you have any favourites that work wonders for you? Stay safe and keep smiling! :) |