If there was ever a prefix, by which a day should start; a world should be built; a life should be grown - it would have to be that of - 're'. There are so many words, prefixes and suffixes from which the English language has grown, that we take for granted. Many of which have lost their meaning. Some have mutated, to construct entirely new words. Worse still, some have been so ill or disused, they have been dropped from the English language all together. Photo: Sketa Oz Images Yes, that is the function and progress of change, you say and language definitely sees that change. Yet the prefix 're', in any language, holds particular worth and meaning - not because it is small, insignificant or because in our language it is attached to the front of words. It is because it bears witness and purpose, to the possibility of 'change' or 'to make new'. We often disregard how important, helpful and effective this simple prefix can be. ...And for a life to be built on such a premise, we would truly begin to understand the meaning and importance of 'a life'. Over the years, I have come to believe this simple prefix - used everyday, just as we use 'a spoon full of sugar to help the medicine go down' - can truly 'change' lives. I try to implement 're' at every given moment of my day. I'm sure, one you start, you won't be able to stop. You'll be surprise how helpful this little 're', can be. Here are just a few to get you started: So here is the world according to 'Re'
'Re-invest... in yourself' You're worth it! ...Sketa |