Dear Friends, family, and loved ones. Please be aware that myself and my company Sketa Oz Group Pty Limited - which includes ELK Publishing, have become the victim of cybercrime. Please be diligent in the pursuit of justice and honour. Not everyone out there in the world of the internet, is as honourable - as they should be. One can only assume, people are desperate, and this causes them to engage in not so savoury actions, when dealing with others. Our world is so severely screwed up. Warring countries and their people have no means. You know what I mean - war, pain, and misery - is increasing on a daily basis. So, they will try anything, with the hope of making a few dollars - to survive. There are no boundaries to which these people will go. Accept no one on socials you have not approved with stringent processing - if that takes 6 months - so be it - just be safe. In business, make sure you have all your security measures in place. Nothing is too much. They will manipulate you. They will impersonate you. They will isolate you. They will make you feel, as if they own you. You will feel violated. They will pretend to be your friend, customer, or business partner.
Anything goes.
Just so they get, what they want.
Do yourselves a favour and educate yourself - further. Education on this, is everywhere.
I thought I was educated. I thought my instinct would protect me. I thought that all my years of training on this stuff through business, school, and private research – would be enough. It was not. And maybe, quite possibly - people who are empathetic and caring – just become easy targets. I have placed some links below to assist you all on this fight for justice. Please take your time, watch, absorb - process the information. You will say to yourself, “I know all this stuff. I do not need to look at this.” Well, maybe you do… But just maybe – maybe - you need to look at this, again. BBC World Service Documentaries
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