Meet Joe. He is a nature lover and former paramedic turned climbing team activist, with Greenpeace. He was born in England, and moved to Australia, at the age of nine. He loved the ocean then and still feels exactly the same, today. However, the sea has changed compared to when he first started to enjoy its pleasures. To be exact, his love has now become his fierce interest, given what he grew to love - is now in mortal danger. Australia stands to lose everything of beauty in the sea, due to excessive mining and destruction of the seabed. This means that not only the seabed wildlife dies, so too does the SeaLife creatures around it. And this, it not just for the immediate area; the danger exists for miles around. So, when Joe got the chance to hang from a massive crane, to protest Woodside’s seismic blasting of the ocean, he jumped at it. Protests like these have become much more needed of late, because large conglomerates take liberties they should not, in the quest for large financial gains. Unfortunately, nature always pays the price - so the collective power of the people is needed. Teamwork such as this, unites us on a common cause that at the end of the day, affects everyone. Joe went to incredible lengths to make known the seriousness of this issue - an issue that has not yet be resolved because the ears of politicians, are not open to hearing the voice of the people. So Joe, climbed a 140m crane outside Woodside Headquarters, to get his point across. To be honest, when we all heard that Woodside had received approval to begin seismic testing for the Burrup Hub, everyone was devasted. We all asked, "how this could ever happen, in Australia?" How can any company, get away with opening up new gas wells, in one the most beautiful places in the world - one that is supposed to be protected by law? Especially, when all Australians realise the seriousness of climate change and pollution affecting all of us; we see more bushfires, droughts and floods than half the world. This issue is serious. If change does not happen now - we will lose everything dear to us. There will be nothing left for future generations to enjoy. It is up to us. Seismic blasting is the first part of Woodside’s massive Burrup Hub, a strategically planned project that would see up to 80 new gas wells drilled off the coast, of Western Australia. Woodside is working full steam ahead, but if we come together, we there is still time to stop further destruction. For years now, Greenpeace has been taking on the biggest companies and winning. When aggressive deep-water oil drilling threatened the Great Australian Bight, it won. When Shell wanted to drill for oil in the Arctic, we stopped them. And when The Metals Company tried to mine our deep oceans we resisted, and the courts upheld our right to peaceful protest. When the going gets tough, Greenpeace does not backdown. We know what is right and are prepared to stand up for all those without a voice. We step up to the plate, do what must be done - so that companies, politicians and investors hear our voice - making sure they all act with integrity. There will always be a cause to stand up for - these sorts of things never go away, unfortunately. And it will take committed people to stand up for what is right - you can get involved in climate activism and protecting our oceans, so easily. We need your help. Find out what people are doing in your area and lend a hand. We all need to start somewhere and if you are ready to bite the bullet - are in the WA region - come join us! Across Australia, there is always something to do for everyone. You will meet passionate people, who truly believe in making a difference. They put their words into action and know that activism and policing of our national treasures - is needed. You will enjoy the work - there is never a dull day, and you will stand side by side, like-minded individuals who are friendly, fun, kind and willing to do what it takes, to beat big giants, like Woodside. Find out what has been happening at: 1 - New report into Woodside’s troubling history of environmental neglect, risk of an oil spill: Greenpeace urges Premier to “follow the facts” - Greenpeace Australia Pacific 2 - The campaign against Woodside’s Burrup Hub hits new heights - Greenpeace Australia Pacific 3 - Greenpeace AP brings 440,000 signatures against Woodside’s Burrup Hub to Parliament - Greenpeace Australia Pacific
Our friends are highly intelligent. They save us, protect us, swim beside us, alert us of danger and yet, we are their biggest threat and their only hope.
In a Japanese village called Taiji, also known as 'The Cove', dolphins are a hunted target, for a six-month long fishing season. The fate of dolphins captured, are held in captivity for use in ill-equipped amusement parks, for display aquariums and the remainder are slaughtered for meat. Although the Japanese Fisheries Agency have strict quoters in place, regular abuse of the regulations takes place. The only hope for our friends, is if we step in to put an end to this practice. Taiji, Japan “The Cove” | Dolphin Project
It is paramount this blasting does not occur, or we will lose these beautiful creatures.
I can't imagine what the repercussions could be for our marine life. We are not talking just about whales - it will be every species within a fifty to 100 miles radius that will be affected - if not more! Remember, sound is amplified, and travels faster and further - in water!
This means, sonic sensing species will endure massive disruption and their ear drums will painfully - burst! Please, please sign = we owe this to our wildlife.
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